PDL - Perc Development LLC
PDL stands for Perc Development LLC
Here you will find, what does PDL stand for in Construction under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Perc Development LLC? Perc Development LLC can be abbreviated as PDL What does PDL stand for? PDL stands for Perc Development LLC. What does Perc Development LLC mean?The United States based company is located in Lake Charles, Louisiana engaged in construction industry.
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Alternative definitions of PDL
- The Preferred Drug List
- Program Design Language
- Perio Dontal Ligament
- Process (or Program) Design Language
- Page Description Language
- Page Description Language
- Page Description Language
- Polarization Dependent Loss
View 170 other definitions of PDL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- PKBL PK Boston Law
- PICCJSC Petroleum Industrial and Civil Construction Joint Stock Company
- PSI Prime Supply Inc
- PSG Penn Square Group
- PIG Program Insurance Group
- PISC Pasadena Ice Skating Center
- PPVC Pikes Peak Veterinary Clinic
- PMIS Project Management International Systems
- PPR Primary Physicians Research
- PBC Palace Business Centres
- PVT Precise Visual Technologies
- PMPSC Prime Metro Properties Swiss Cottage
- PNI Pro Nurse Inc
- PPS Precision Paralegal Services
- PIL Peridot International Ltd
- PG The Prosper Group
- PEL Platinum Expo Limited
- PPBGR Pinnacle Point Beach and Golf Resort
- PBC Partner Business Consulting